The special assembly
Hi bloggers
As you might know something horrid has happened in NZ Christchurch. It has effected the whole of NZ, so at Waikowhai Primary School we had a special assembly respecting the people who passed away. We planted a Kowhai tree as part of the assembly. Children from all areas of the school were selected to put cards down around the tree. These cards are for all the people who might of been effected in the attacks. We got one child from each of the schools 16 cultures those children represented what their culture was. In Reading we looked at some of the websites set up for the 50 people who died. We chose a Kowhai tree because our school is called Waikowhai. We did the two minutes silence on Friday which was during our schools Family Fun Day. We practised a look down because of the attack. I completely support Christchurch in this sad time. Our goal after what happened on the 15th of march 2019 is to not be racist and be the best we can be! I am really proud of how NZ has reacted it is amazing and shows the world how amazing we are.
One of the websites being Give a little!
Another is they are us!
Share love not hate! See you latter bloggers!
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